Edit That
The new way to learn video editing
It's simple to learn the guitar.
Just grab a guitar, sit down for like an hour a few times per week, start with the basics like happy birthday, and within a couple weeks you'll know how to play something.
Now imagine if learning video editing was that easy.
Well, it is!
But how?
With copywork.
Copywork was a teaching style used back in the early 1900s for writing where students would copy out good writing word for word and mark for mark. In the process, they learn proper grammar, spelling, sentence structure and essentially how to write good.
Heck, even Benjamin Franklin did it back in the day.
Anyways, after learning this I always thought that you could easily learn video editing the same way.
Introducing Edit That!
Edit That is a 14 Day Video editing Bootcamp that is scientifically proven to actually make you a better editor.
Unlike other courses that focus on how much course content they can shove down your throat, Edit That is different. Edit That focuses on getting you the valuable practice that's needed to actually become a work class editor.
Don't believe me?
I guarantee that by the end of Edit That you will be a better editor than when you first started. If not, email me and I'll make it right.
Now, let explain to you how Edit That works.
We believe in this so much that if you just attempt every assignment of Edit That and don't feel like you didn't learn anything, it wasn't worth it, or just didn't like it, we will give you a full refund!
There's no fine print. That's the deal. Period.
This means you either advance your cinematic editing skills or it's free.
Fair enough?

How It Works
When you sign up for Edit That, I'll send you 1 email a day for 10 days.
Edit That starts every Monday and you'll receive my emails each weekday.
In each email, you'll find 2 things:
- 1 video lesson
- 1 editing assignment that you have to copy.
From there, your only job is to watch the lesson (if you want to) and copy the editing assignment that I sent you. You'll get a reference video to follow and your goal is to get your edit as close to the reference as you can.
We give you all the assets and footage you'll need, don't worry.
Each lesson video is about 7-12 minutes in length and each assignment should take you about 45-75 minutes to complete.
And by the end, you'll be well on your way to becoming a world-class editor.
If you want to see what the first day of Edit That looks like, watch the video below!

What's Inside?
In Edit That we cover a bunch of stuff. Also, for the assignments you'll be re-editing some of our most iconic videos that you've seen on our YouTube Channel.
Day 1 - Shot Curation
Assignment 1 (Landrover Evoque Commercial)
You'll learn what makes a good shot for your video. (Underrated skill)
Day 2 - Storytelling
Assignment 2 (Gameboy Commercial)
The most important thing you'll learn. We teach you how to make your videos better through storytelling
Day 3 - Music
Assignment 3 (Jaguar F-Type Commerical)
Learn how music affects your videos and how to choose the perfect song.
Day 4 - Fast Cut Editing
Assignment 4 (DJI Action Commercial)
Learn how to introduce intensity and power into your video using a fast editing style
Day 5 - Slow Cut Editing
Assignment 5 (Pacific Sands Tofino POV)
Learn how to make your video more emotional with a slow editing style
Day 6 - Transitions
Assignment 6 (3 Different Transitions)
Learn how to add a little flair to your videos through the use of transitions. We give you 3 individual tutorials and assignments to master them!
Day 7 - Sound Design
Assignment 7 (Honda Rebel Commercial)
Sound Design is so underrated. Because of that, we have an entire day dedicated to it.
Day 8 - Practice
Assignment 8 (Summit Creative Backpack Commercial)
You know what they say, practice makes perfect!
Day 9 - Edit Analysis
Assignment 9 (Video Edit Analysis)
We teach you how to break down someone else's editing style so you can do it for yourself!
Day 10 - Final Day
Assignment 10 (Nisi VND Commercial)
We say goodbye and give you a BIG project to edit!

Try Edit That for FREE
You read that right, there's actually a free version of Edit That!
We give you 3 Free Days that each come with a video lesson as well as an assignment so you can try it out and see if you love it!
Also, the free version of Edit That is available instantly so you don't have to wait until Monday to start it.
If you want to give it a go for yourself click the button below!
How long will this take every day?
Each lesson is as short as it can be without missing anything. On average the lessons are around 10 minutes in length and from there, you start on the assignment. You can spend as much time as you want on each assignment to really refine your skills; however, we recommend setting aside 45 minutes to 1 hour every day to do them. To be honest you probably won't finish each video to 100% however we are confident you will work on the skills needed for that day and get better no matter what.
TL;DR - You can spend as much time on it as you’d like. If you want to go crazy you can.
What if I miss a day/ am busy a certain day?
Don’t worry! Edit That is just a series of emails that are sent to you each day. If you miss a day you can either do 2 days at once or just continue from where you left off and finish a day later. It’s totally up to you!
However, we do recommend that you try to stay on track. It's just easier that way
Edit That is also designed to be done multiple times so if you want to wait the full 2 weeks and then go back and pick and choose what days you do that’s totally up to you as well.
Why do I not get all the content at once?
Learning takes time. If we give you all the content at once you might binge all of it and not have as good retention of the information. Did you know that it's actually better to learn things over a longer time than try to cram them all in one sitting? We designed Edit That to teach you a little bit, then you try it for yourself, then we teach you a little bit more, then you try it for yourself, rinse and repeat. Day by day. This way you retain more information and as a result learn more.
What Skill Level is Edit That for?
We designed Edit That to be for all skill levels... Let me explain how.
Because we are getting you to copy our videos, if you're just starting out, you'll probably only be able to get through a certain portion of the video. Maybe you only get the cutting done, and some of the basic sound design. And in the process, you learned a whole bunch and got a lot of practice in. But if you're a more advanced editor you may get much further through the assignment. You may finish the cutting, do the sound design, and lock in all the overlays, and basically polish off the entire video. But in the process, you also learned a bunch but more importantly, you still got the valuable practice that you need to advance your skills.
Do you see what I mean here? Edit That scales to your skill level so you only really do as much as your skill level will allow.
So if you've been editing for the last 3 years you're going to find this just as valuable as if you started editing yesterday.
Why did you make this?
We run into a lot of people who say “I want to get better at video editing but I don’t know what to edit” And that is exactly why we created this. Because we give you all the assignments, all the hard work is removed and you only have to worry about learning the skills. Then you can go off on your own and use the skills you learned here.
How do I know I’ll like it?
Great News! Along with the launch of Edit That we also launched a FREE version of Edit That. The free version is 3 days long and gives you the ability to try it out before you buy. These 3 free days are not as in-depth as the full version of Edit That, however, they will give you a good gauge of what to expect and also teach you a little bit along the way! If you want to check it out, just go to the link above or click HERE
Have fun!